A view from above of tens of opened medicine bottles Essential medicines should satisfy the priority health care needs of the population and be selected ...
SDI announces that it will work continuously to produce medical treatments and materials to confront Corona virus Director General of The State Company for Drugs ...
The branch representatives’ meeting carried without dissent a motion that the Council should support and develop links with the Syndicate of Iraqi Pharmacists and schools ...
كيف نستعيد تلك العبارة “صنع في العراق” التي كانت العلامة العراقية الشهيرة وواحدة من أسباب مدعاة الفخر للمواطن العراقي عندما يدور الحديث عن “المصنوع المحلي” ...
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AL-Saidaly was established in Iraq as one of the foremost scientific bureaus. We are executing the dispensation of medicines and medical equipment for the public and private sectors.
We aim to provide safe and efficient medication for the Iraqi citizen. This goal requires a corporation with an admirable associate and/or sponsor in order to take concrete steps towards achieving the goal. We aspire to expand and develop our work day by day, to serve the patient and meet the needs of the market, taking a giant leap forward in the right direction.